
What is DevJammer

DevJammer is a Windows utilities to enabled a device that was blocked by device control programs. It uses various method to keep the device enabled unitl it is manually disconnected from the system. Example if there is an anti-virus program in place that block access to USB port this util can be used to bypass it effects.

How do i use it

You first need to download the executable at the download page then head to the documentation page for instructions on how to use the commands. Or you can choose to compile and run from source which can be found here.

Are the binary Safe?

Yes the binary are save to download, the application has been tested on various systems that have anti-virus programs running with no issue. If you want to be sure you on the safe side you can download the source here, compile and build it in Visual Studio then run on your system.

Is it Open Source?

Yes the project is open source and the codes are here Do not hesitate to make a contribution to the project or open an issue.


The project is licenced under the MIT Licence, which means you can uses it for whatever without any objectections and whatever you use it for is upto you.


This project is created mainly for educational purpose to allow me further understand how Windows internally manages the devices connected to the system like the Device Manager Program.

Whatever this utility is used for or where it is used is upto the user only.


Thecarisma, shegzee.